Source code for lizard_structure.items

# (c) Nelen & Schuurmans.  LGPL licensed, see LICENSE.rst.
:mod:`lizard_structure.items` provides item definitions. An item definition is
a formal specification of what kinds of key/value pairs you can expect in a
JSON object (or Python dictionary) for such diverse items such as a layer, a
menu item, a feature, a data source.

Technically, an item definition is nothing but a Python class that returns a
dictionary. It is implemented as a class for the following reasons:

- To make sure you comply to the specification. No undefined keys, no missing
  mandatory keys.

- To allow for default values.

- To make sure we can generate always-correct always-up-to-date documentation.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from .docutils import generate_docstring


[docs]class BaseItem(object): """Base class for the other items. Flexible implementation so that we only have to specify the fixed and the default values (as dictionaries). - Fixed values cannot be set with a keyword argument. - Default arguments (``None`` is fine as value, btw) can be set using keyword arguments, otherwise they get their default values. - Keys with ``None`` values are omitted from the resulting dictionary returned by :meth:`to_api`. """ fixed = {} defaults = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Set up the item's internal dictionary. Keyword arguments can override default values. Only keys present in :attr:`defaults` are allowed as keyword arguments. You cannot add your own and you cannot override keys in :attr:`fixed`. """ for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in self.defaults: raise TypeError( "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument {kwarg}", kwarg=kwarg) self._dict = {} self._dict.update(self.fixed) self._dict.update(self.defaults) self._dict.update(kwargs)
[docs] def to_api(self): """Return our internal dictionary, but strip it of None values first. """ return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in self._dict.iteritems() if v is not None)
[docs]class LayerTreeItem(BaseItem): __metaclass__ = generate_docstring defaults = {'name': None, 'description': None, 'url': None, }
[docs]class HeadingItem(BaseItem): """Wrapper/interface for heading objects in a LayerTree/menu.""" __metaclass__ = generate_docstring fixed = {'menu_type': 'heading'} defaults = {'name': None, 'description': None, 'heading_level': DEFAULT_HEADING_LEVEL, 'extra_data': None, 'klass': None, }
[docs]class LayerItem(BaseItem): """Wrapper/interface for layer/acceptable objects in a LayerTree/menu.""" __metaclass__ = generate_docstring fixed = {'menu_type': 'workspace_acceptable'} # Why does a layer item know about WMS? defaults = {'name': None, 'description': None, 'wms_url': None, 'wms_params': None, 'wms_options': None, }

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